Hintlesham Hall has been booked for Thursday December 4th 2025. Once again our host for the event is John Riley.
The cost of the meal will be £62.50 per head which includes a glass of presecco in the garden room upon arrival, a 3 course dinner in the private Salon Suite, followed by coffee and baby mince pies. Menus will be circulated in late September when payment into the Folkmog account for the meal only will be requested.
All the Hotel rooms have been reserved, so for those wishing to fully relax and have an overnight stay a special rate of £165 per room B & B has been negotiated. Please call Hintlesham Hall reception on 01473 652334 to book your room stating Folkmog Christmas Party. www.hintleshamhall.co.uk
Please advise John Riley of your intention to attend by either completing the form below or by email: johnriley1054@btinternet.com
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